The Island Agency Gives Back

Let your choice in a real estate company reflect your values. We employ local people, buy from local businesses, farms and individuals and support local charities and organizations, giving back to our community.

The Island Agency Gives Back is our ongoing, conscious effort to support the communities that support us. Do you work with a non-profit seeking out support? Tell us about you by filling out the Community Support Form. We will consider every request but we lean towards giving to local charities whose missions support the needs and quality of life for the people living on the Blue Hill Peninsula.

Community Support Form

The Island Agency is a locally owned and operated company. We’re deeply invested financially, emotionally and logistically in Blue Hill Peninsula Communities. The people, the businesses, the organizations and this gorgeous landscape, create a community that we’re proud to work in, live and support.

The Island Community Center

The Island Community Center strives to provide facilities and programs for all members of the community to enhance their well-being. The ICC provides a space and programing for the old and young, gym based exercise and fitness groups, young and adult sports programming, meeting space for groups such as AA and the Gail Scouts, a home to The Island Food Pantry and a warming counter for the community to mention only a few.

Reach Performing Arts Center

The Reach Performing Arts Center is a 400 seat state-of-the-art theater promoting lifelong learning in the arts for the school and the community. A home for theater, dance, musical performances, school-related activities and community events, the Reach Performing Arts Center is a force for community cohesion, continuing education and artistic development, and is used throughout the year.

Island Heritage Trust

Island Heritage Trust is a community-based, non-profit land trust contributing to the well-being of the island community by conserving its distinctive landscape and natural resources, maintaining public access to valued trails, shoreline and islands, and by providing educational programming for all ages.

Island Workforce Housing

The mission of Island Workforce Housing is to create housing solutions in Deer Isle and Stonington that are permanently affordable to individuals and families working in these communities. Housing these valued community members is a critical first step in securing the longevity of the economic development and civic health and well-being of the island.

Island Heating and Assistance

Island Heating Assistance Program, (207)348-6602, a community fund administered by the First Congregational Church of Deer Isle, UCC. Funded by donations; provides fuel oil, kerosene, propane, firewood from area dealers; prevents electricity service disconnections by Emera Maine. Also networks with other organizations. Deer Isle and Stonington residents only.

Maine Coast Heritage Trust

Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) conserves and stewards Maine’s coastal lands and islands for their renowned scenic beauty, ecological value, outdoor recreational opportunities, and contribution to community well-being. MCHT provides statewide conservation leadership through its work with land trusts, coastal communities and other partners.

Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries

Rebuilding and maintaining Eastern Maine fisheries requires all-hands-on-deck co-management of the marine and river ecosystem, work that will be shared by fishermen, community-based groups, scientists, and tribal, state and federal fisheries managers. The result will be fishing that is able to adapt so well that productivity of the ecosystem is sustained, even as the climate and oceans change. At the same time, the shoreside economy that supports and is supported by fishing will be structured for a diverse, high-value catch and rapid response to changing conditions. Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries will have a key role piloting and facilitating this globally significant co-management system.

Island Health and Wellness Foundation

To identify and advocate for the health and wellness needs of Deer Isle-Stonington; provide financial support, guidance, and encouragement to local health and wellness organizations; and maintain the Island Medical Center for the provision of health and dental care.

Friends of Isle au Haut Lighthouse

To identify and advocate for the health and wellness needs of Deer Isle-Stonington; provide financial support, guidance, and encouragement to local health and wellness organizations; and maintain the Island Medical Center for the provision of health and dental care.

Stonington Public Library

The Stonington Public Library strives to inspire, enlighten and enrich all members of its community by providing excellent services and facilities that connect them to books, information and ideas needed for work, recreation, and education.

Memorial Ambulance Corps.

The ambulance corps was founded as a Maine nonprofit corporation in 1967 by a group of forward-thinking community leaders seeking to improve health care for the residents of Isle au Haut, Stonington and Deer Isle. In addition to transportation to local hospitals, the corps provides aid to the sick, injured or disabled and teaches first aid and life saving techniques.

Almost Home Rescue

Almost Home Rescue (AHR) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit all-breed canine rescue organization dedicated to saving lives and finding forever homes for stray, abandoned and surrendered dogs in danger of euthanasia. They are strictly a volunteer run organization and have no paid staff or board members. They rely on a network of volunteer foster homes and do not have a physical shelter.

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